Why choose children's clothes made of natural materials

First of all, clothes made of 100 % natural materials are very comfortable. Children are
feel comfortable when wearing them. They are very suitable for the warm season because
allow the skin to breathe and keep body temperature at a normal level. Children have lots of energy
and they can run around without anything spoiling their playfulness.

Secondly, clothing made from natural materials is much more durable and
durable than synthetic materials. Children's clothes often show stains
of food, of colors, traces of mud. Even after several washes, natural fibre clothes
retains its original freshness and colours.

In addition, the chemicals contained in synthetic materials come into contact with the skin and can
affect children's health. With very delicate skin, children are more prone than adults to
various allergies. The natural materials protect the skin and are not chemically treated.

Not to mention the fact that the manufacturing process of synthetic clothing is much more
pollutant than natural fibre clothing. Also, most natural fibres are
biodegradable, thus decomposing much faster than synthetic fibres (created in
mostly plastic).

Another advantage, not to be neglected, is that over time, buying clothes made of
quality is a much more advantageous investment, due to the much longer period of use

So, when buying children's clothes, consider their safety and comfort,
along with aesthetic and price criteria. Read the label carefully for details of the composition
materials before purchasing a new piece of clothing.

At Kippio, we are parents first, entrepreneurs second. Out of concern for children, we created clothes
made of natural 100% materials (Oeko Tex certified cotton, linen, fused cloth and combinations of
their). Enter on website and find out what goodies we've prepared for the kids!

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